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Die Gemeinschaft der europäischen Buckfastimker
was founded in 1976 by Günter Ries (died 1994) in Kassel. At that time, Buckfast breeding was not appreciated by scientists and beekeeping associations. Hardly anyone professed to keep the Buckfast bee. We owe today's freedom of movement first and foremost to our pioneers, above all Franz Fehrenbach and the founding members of the Kassel association. They all showed courage, commitment and straightforwardness.
Today, the Gemeinschaft der europäischen Buckfastimker (Community of European Buckfast Bee Breeders) sees itself first and foremost as a breeding association and encourages its members to carry out their own breeding work in accordance with Brother Adam's breeding method.
We are therefore fully committed to the further development of beekeeping. A lively exchange of experience at the broadest level is the best guarantee for this, because the honey bee respects neither ideological nor geographical boundaries.
At present, 15 national associations from all over Europe have joined the community. This makes the Gemeinschaft der europäischen Buckfastimker (Community of European Buckfast Bee Breeders) the largest cross-border beekeeping association in Europe!
We are the GdeB
The Buckfast Bee
The Buckfast bee from Brother Adam. The origin of the Buckfast bee is a cross from before 1920 between the dark, leather-brown Ligustica and the former English form of the Mellifera...
The Community
The Community of European Buckfast Beekeepers was founded in 1976 by Günter Ries (died 1994) in Kassel.
Here you can see all the important dates relating to the Gemeinschaft der europäischen Buckfastimker (European Buckfast Bee Breeder Association).